L' Art du scénario (9782252038277-front-cover) L' Art du scénario (9782252038277-front-cover)

L' Art du scénario

Référence: 9782252038277

26,00 €

How do a scriptwriter, a director and a producer manage to communicate throughout the various stages of the writing of a film script? Does the scriptwriter need creative agents? How does a writer work for the cinema? How is a documentary film storyline developed? How does an actor read a script? What are the links between script, casting and production? How is the film rewritten while being shot and edited? What is a film script?
Actors, agents, writers, editors, producers, and directors (Jean-Pierre Bacri, Claire Blondel, Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi, Romain Campillo, Laurent Cantet, Emmanuel Carrère, Agnès Jaoui, Serge Lalou, Vincent Lindon, Noémie Lvovsky, Stan Neumann, Nicolas Philibert and Carole Scotta) share their experiences and reveal how they relate to the script. Their accounts complement each other and show that there are several possible approaches.
Written in partnership with the Forum des images and the Master's program in scriptwriting, directing and production of Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.


Expédié sous 24h à 48h.

Détails du produit


Fiche technique

Date parution
16.1 cm x 24 cm x 1.3 cm
Editions du patrimoine - CMN
Edité par
Catherine Rihoit
Frédéric Sojcher
N.T. Binh
Nbre de pages

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